eBay's Kuponan Group-Buying Site

Who's Behind eBay's Kuponan Group-Buying Site?

By Ina Steiner
July 07, 2011
Reading EcommerceBytes: Who's Behind eBay's Kuponan Group-Buying Site?
eBay runs group-buying daily deals sites in India and the Philippines, and expanded the service to Malaysia in June. Kuponan deals are similar to those from Groupon and are promoted on the eBay Malaysia home page.
A source told us payments are made to a local account not belonging to Kuponan, and said it seems to belong to an eBay seller paid to "man the station."
According to the Kuponan FAQs, payments are made to Gedung Kraal Enterprise, the exclusive promoter of eBay Kuponan. Looking up the gedungkraal User ID on eBay shows a seller by the name of Ignatius Kraal.
According to his eBay profile, Kraal is a 50-year-old stay-at-home father living in Kuala Lumpur who started network marketing in 1999, began selling on eBay in 2006, and began affiliate marketing in 2007. He did not respond to our email inquiry.
This is not the first time eBay has used a third-party seller to help it run an eBay branded effort. eFashion Solutions operates eBay's Fashion Vault out of its New Jersey location (see this article from last year).
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