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…eBay is going to make million on top of millions today by utilizing non-product top search terms and yes… eBay/labs even more so than Google/labs is on top of them, and you can too with the help of free ebay lab tools ….
Like Walmart might pull generators, and camping tools in the front of the store by watching weather reports …so dose eBay the number one auction site with top search terms and it’s not just product searches more..CLICK HERE if your not on this page CLICK HERE


“We all have heard about the complaints of eBay sellers if you haven’t here they are in ranking order
#1: eBay has redefined the words “monopoly “& “community “at the same time.
#2: “Big Momma” she will send you to the corner if you’re bad. (Temporally suspend your account)
#3: Can’t find her when you got a problem. (See #2)
#4: “No family suture “ company polices in constant and inconsistent flex
#5: “married to the mob “ Fees & higher fees on everything you do not just seller fees.
Now the number one question I get is: Why fees are number five in this survey?
And I think this is a good question, concidering the number of eBay copycats are out there… with free listing fees, but as eBay reality turns out the majority of membership said: if it wasn’t for 1 - 4 I could live with the fee structure. “The real question’s are. What are you paying for? & What are you getting in return?
And with a degust look on their face, most came to their own conclusion.“eBay delivers the customers, like no other website on the internet
Now that’s eBay reality!" source

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