Google Books Announces E-Reader Deal With Harry Potter Books
Fans of the four-eyed wizard and his pals have been bemoaning the lack of Harry Potter on eReaders thus far. But now that J.K. Rowling's announced will keep churning out Potter offerings to keep fans happy, Google has announced they'll be assisting in the e-reader launch with their own Google Books.
Techland points out a blog post by Google last week, which announced:
“So when the series of Harry Potter ebooks launches on in early October, these bestsellers will be available in the U.S. via the open Google eBooks platform. When you buy a Harry Potter ebook from Pottermore, you will be able to choose to keep it in your Google Books library in-the-cloud, as well as on other e-reading platforms.
Pottermore will be the only place to buy the books in e-reading format, and under this new deal with Google, "Google Checkout will be the preferred third party payment platform for all purchases made on"
Nice little arrangement they've pulled off, eh? Could be seen as almost... magical.
Google E-Books Gain Momentum With 'Harry Potter' Deal [Techland]